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Top 3 in Tech: ChatGPT and what AI means for developers, NextJS 13, Advent of Code
There's been some amazing progress in AI tools this year, with ChatGPT being the most recent. But what does that mean for the future of developers?
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Top 3 in Tech: Web architectures, The T3 Stack, Interactive guide to Flexbox
There's many different ways to build a modern web application - but what different architectures exist, and how can you pick the right one for you?
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Top 3 in Tech: Remote work, Web Summit 2022, Remix joins Shopify
Remote work has taken the world by storm, and it can be a great way to save commute and stay productive. But is it the best approach for you?
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Top 3 in Tech: Data fetching in React, VueUse, A beautiful blog
Big news from the React ecosystem: data fetching is about to get a whooole lot easier 🔥
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Top 3 in Tech: Learning to code in 5 minutes, Dynamic social images, the CIA website
Is it possible to learn coding in just 5 minutes? Let's find out!
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Top 3 in Tech: Dwelling on mistakes, Adobe acquiring Figma, Powerful new CSS selector
Hey hey, In this issue of the Top 3 in Tech newsletter we'll reflect on making mistakes as a developer (and how to learn from them). We'll also look at how Adobe acquired Figma for 20 billion
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Top 3 in Tech: Landing your first junior development job, How NOT to learn web development, shortcuts
There's never been a more difficult time to land a junior development job - but there are some things you can do to greatly improve your chances.
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Top 3 in Tech: Debugging code, The Lion framework, Animating React with Framer Motion
It's easy to get frustrated when stuck on a coding problem. But how can you reframe your thinking and work through the problem logically?
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Top 3 in Tech: No-code tools, Framer, Powerful CSS one-liners
What are "no-code" tools and will they end up making developers obsolete?
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Top 3 in Tech: Project ideas, Beginner JavaScript, The Feynman Technique to learn anything
What projects should you build when learning to code? Here's a list of ideas you can use to level up your skills and build a killer portfolio
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Top 3 in Tech: Taking breaks, Avoiding image layout shifts, FaunaDB
How do you level up your coding skills and break into the industry without getting burned out? Let's find out!
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Top 3 in Tech: 5 Golden Rules of Development, The Fresh framework, ToastifyJS
Software development is hard. But are there some guiding principles we can use to create better software, regardless of our field?
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Top 3 in Tech: Dealing with imposter syndrome, Interactive typography tutorial, New Netlify website breakdown
What is imposter syndrome, why is it such a problem in the development world, and how can you deal with it yourself?
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Top 3 in Tech: Think twice - code once, 100+ Computer Science concepts, InertiaJS
Hey hey hey, Mads here with this week's instalment of the Top 3 in Tech newsletter. One piece of advice, one resource and one tool to check out for your reading, viewing and learning pleasure.
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Top 3 in Tech: Keeping up with the Codeashians, State of CSS 2022, Terminal for front-end devs
How do you stay up to date with the constantly changing development ecosystem - without getting burned out?
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Top 3 in Tech: What programming language should you learn first, State of frontend 2022, 10 Design Patterns in 10 minutes
What programming language to learn first is an interesting question with a lot of variables. Here's my recommendations to get you started.
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Top 3 in Tech: Learn JavaScript (step-by-step), NodeJS 18, Nuxt 3 Release Candidate
Do you want to learn JavaScript, but dont know how? Do you constantly get stuck when trying to build something real? Then this step-by-step is for you
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Top 3 in Tech: Front-End Roadmap, Understanding CSS layouts, Interview questions to ask companies
What's expected of a front-end developer in 2022? And what's the quickest path you can take to go from 0 to employment as a front-end developer?
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Top 3 in Tech: From Junior to Senior, Laracasts, JavaScript Rising Stars
What does it take to go from junior to senior developer? Is it all about coding, or is there more to advancing in your development career?
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Top 3 in Tech: Catching attention, Explain Twitter's Source Code, Free SVG generator
Landing a development job is hard. But luckily, a few simple actions can increase your chances of getting your foot in the door by 100x